Office Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri from 7:30 am - 3 pm
Closed Nov 11, 28, 29, Dec 25, Jan 1, 2020.
Family Child Care
Bldg 1000, 321-494-8381, FAX 494-5848

Seeking Child Care Professionals
Are you interested in starting your own business? Would you like to earn up to $1200 for one weekend of work per month? The FCC staff will train and help you provide responsible, safe, in-home care for children 2 weeks to 12 years in your government home or affiliated off-base home. If you live in North/Central housing the licensing process can take as little as 1 month!
After you complete a basic orientation program, you can begin to provide care for children on an hourly, part-time, full-time, evening, weekends and or opt to become part of the Expanded Child Care Program! In addition, you can choose to care for children with special needs, infants, toddlers, preschoolers and or school agers; up to 6 children in care at any one time with no more than 2 children under the age of 2 years.
Far from a simple baby-sitting service, the FCC Program is looking for individuals who wish to be child-care professionals. You must be 18 years of age or older, able to speak English, in good mental and physical health and willing to undergo a comprehensive background check. After you complete a basic orientation program, you can set your own hours and fees and begin to care for children on an hourly, part-day, full-day or extended basis.
Family Child Care Expanded Programs
Programs offered by Patrick AFB Family Child Care
Deployment/Remote Assignment
Child Care Support
The Deployment/Remote Assignment Child Care Support allows families 16 hours for pre-deployment, 16 hours each month of the deployment/remote assignment, and 16 hours post deployment. AF FCC Deployment Child Care Support may be used once the member has orders and ends 60 days upon return from the deployment. AF FCC Remote Assignment Child Care may be used each month the member is on remote assignment.Eligibility requirements:
- Member of the Military Service
- Active Duty or Reserve/Guard Member in Active Status
- Assigned to or working on the installation
- Deployed in support of a contingency operation
- Deployed for a minimum of 30 calendar days or personnel who routinely deploy on a short-term basis (cumulative of 30 days in a 6 month period)
- Copy of deployment orders/PCS orders
- Completed AF FCC Expanded Child Care Request
Home Community Care (HCC)
The HCC Program is designed to provide child care for those members of the Guard and Reserves (CAT A and B) during their regularly scheduled, or properly re-scheduled, drill periods. This care is for Training Periods and Unit Training Assemblies only. Other forms of inactive Duty training (e.g. RMPs and AFTPs) do not qualify for HCC. In addition, individuals on active duty orders (e.g. AT, ADOS, MPA or RPA) do not qualify for HCC.Eligibility requirements:
- Member of the Military Service
- Reserve or Guard
- Assigned to an Air Force Guard or Reserve Unit/Installation
- No other adult in the household available to provide care
- AF Form 40As must be provided for Rescheduled Drills
- Completed AF FCC ECC Request
Air Force Aid Society Child Care for PCS (AFAS PCS)
Sponsored by the Air Force Aid Society, the AFAS PCS Program is designed to help relieve some of the stress felt by families in the process of a PCS move. AFAS PCS provides 20 hours of child care per child at both the departing and inbound installation. Families may use the child care 60 days before the family's departure and 60 days upon arriving at the new installation.Eligibility requirements:
- Member of the Air Force
- Active Duty
- Active Duty Member Retiring
- Completed Child Care for PCS Certificate obtained from the Airman & Family Readiness Center
- Copy of PCS orders
Air Force Aid Society Child Care for Volunteers (AFAS VOL)
Sponsored by the Air Force Aid Society, the AFAS VOL Program is designed to recognize the importance of volunteers to the installation community by assisting with child care expenses. This funding is not meant to replace other funding that may be available for this purpose, but rather, to provide additional funds to increase the number of volunteers at the installation.Eligibility requirements:
- Member of the Air Force
- Active Duty
- Completed Child Care for Volunteers Certificate obtained from the Airman & Family Readiness Center
- Copy of PCS orders Completed AF FCC ECC Request
Enrollment of Children with Special Needs
When applying for care, registering for a program or currently participating, if a child/youth is identified as having a disability, medical condition or specific need, CYP personnel and FCC providers will work with the family to determine if an Inclusion Action Team (IAT) meeting is needed. The case will be reviewed as soon as possible to ensure environments, accommodations and any training required are in place before the child/youth starts.Employment opportunities may be available - visit USAJOBS.GOV.
Assistance with Child Care Needs
Community Based Child Care and/or Fee Assistance programs may be available to assist CONUS Air Force families who do not have access to installation programs through the Child Aware of America.For any family needing assistance in locating a community child care program visit the Brevard County Child Care resource and referral program. Early Learning Coalition.